The University of Melbourne

Sorry Not Sorry from SoTEL Community of Online Pedagogy

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How can we create vibrant, reflexive moments for storytelling and belonging in an online community within the university during a crisis?'The Interdisciplinary SoTL CoOP (Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Community of On-line Pandemic/Practices) came together on Friday at lunch time, once a month in Zoom dur-ing the long Melbourne lockdowns to support, trouble, and work things out as a scholarly community from across the University of Melbourne. This creative data visualisation using blackout poetry visualises the co-story of and for belonging which emerged in the panic learning context of the COVID Campus (Brabazon & Schulz, 2020) to illuminate ethical tensions arising from intensification of online practices. Our Community of Online Practice (CoOP) explores practices of (re)embedding learning ana-lytics in stories of teaching and learning. We resist the separation of learning analytic data from the events in which they occur and embrace the complexity of the stories the analytic traces tell (and may yet tell).


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  • Original Creative Work

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  • Original Creative Work : Textual work


Melbourne, Australia

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Creative Data Visualisation

Research Statement

This creative data visualisation from the SoTL CoOP (Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Community of Online Pandemic/Practices) explores practices of (re)embedding learning analytic data in stories of teaching and learning. Sensitive learning data can be analysed and visualised with ethical creative research practices. This visualisation was part of an account published in The Routledge International Handbook of Transdisciplinary Feminist Research and Methodological Praxis

Size or Duration of Work

49.97 x 35.34cm


Amanda Belton, University of Melbourne

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