The University of Melbourne

Portfolio pedagogies in pre-service art and design education: Emerging, Connecting, Sustaining.

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posted on 2023-11-06, 23:44 authored by KATHRYN COLEMANKATHRYN COLEMAN, Anna FaragoAnna Farago, SARAH HEALYSARAH HEALY, Ana Ward-Davies

20×20 presentation – 6-7 mins presentation consisting of 20 timed slides which run for 20 secs each + 7-8 mins Q&A (12 October). Presented by Kathryn Coleman, Anna Farago (presenting), Sarah Healy, Stephen Nicholls, Jennifer Thy (both Master of Teaching Secondary VAD candidates) and Ana Ward Davies.   

Once upon a time at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, a passionate team of visual arts and design educators embarked on a collaborative journey to explore the potential of digital portfolios. They aimed to bridge the gap between theory and practice by challenging the notion that online artifact publication alone constitutes a meaningful portfolio. Drawing inspiration from traditional art and design processes, the team likened sketching in a visual sketchbook to a fragment of a larger story—an artist's diary portfolio—highlighting the importance of ongoing reflection and sustained use in intertwining processes and products. We use PebblePad as an authentic, creative transformative tool in the learning area. Transformation suggests a significant perspective change, and it applies personally to the teacher candidate and to the teacher educators facilitating these shifts as we shape the curriculum design and the teaching situation. To accommodate features of creativity in curriculum requires the setting of appropriate tasks in an appropriately flexible environment to both promote and support creative responses, and to allow risk-taking, play, and mistake-making in a safe environment. 


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