The University of Melbourne
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Dreams for Digital Spaces Speculative Fiction Postcard

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posted on 2023-04-08, 03:52 authored by SARAH HEALYSARAH HEALY, KATHRYN COLEMANKATHRYN COLEMAN, Aleesha Rodriguez, Rebecca Ng, Andy ZhaoAndy Zhao, Jessica Williams, Nedasadat Sajadi, Amanda BeltonAmanda Belton

The SF featured on this postcard was co-written with generative AI, 'Chatty G', and the listed human authors. The postcard was distributed at AERA 2023 held in Chicago. To create the SF we adapted the following 100s method for creative data analysis. We collaboratively generated an exhaustive list of words associated with our joint symposium Dreams for Digital Spaces Symposium Paper: What Shapes the Worlds of Children, Educators and Researchers? Then we each wrote exactly 100 words either by taking an idea from the exhaustive list for a walk OR by writing a listicle. These 100 word texts were then offered to Chatty G as training data. Chatty G, in conversation with the human authors, then generated the SF. There were many iterations of the SF, with each iteration evolving from the one that went before through careful prompt design. Interestingly (to us) the final iteration, pictured here, features named characters (Kate, Jess, Andy, Rebecca) 'chosen' by Chatty G to play their particular parts in the SF. We wondered what made Chatty G select these particular authors to feature in the story? Was it a glitch in the way we had given our 100 word texts to Chatty G to respond to?


We acknowledge the support of our work by AARE through the Representative Symposium scheme.
