Hugh Gundlach
Lecturer and researcher (Commerce, management, tourism and services; Education)
Melbourne, Australia
- We won’t solve the teacher shortage until we answer these 4 questions
- Ins and outs: Reimagining teachers' employment
- Mentoring to retain early career teachers
- Patching the right holes to retain Australian teachers
- Becoming a teacher-researcher
- Writing Better Rubrics
- Packaging Authenticity in the Premium Beer Market
- What initial teacher educators can do to reduce early career teacher attrition
- Authenticity: Further theoretical and practical development
- Teacher perceptions of quality criterion referenced rubrics in practice
- Factors Related to Teacher Turnover from Schools and the Profession: A Systematic review, Meta-analysis, and Empirical Survey
- Beyond the text response essay: Alternative writing tasks
- What schools need to know about protecting teachers from burnout and helping them flourish
- Library, Literature and Literacy: Collaboration with English Faculty
- Supporting Assessment Rubric Writing Competency through Quality Criterion Referenced Rubrics
- Supporting early career English teachers during and after initial teacher education
- Higher salaries might attract teachers but pay isn't one of the top 10 reasons for leaving
- Essay alternatives: The authentic writing folio
- The authentic writing portfolio: An assessment alternative
- A new database of teachers on screen shows they are often portrayed as rule-breakers losers or villains
- From audit to plaudit: Balancing your textlist
- Do on-screen teachers help or hinder real-life recruitment?
- Rethinking data
- Real versus reel: Lessons learnt from teachers on screen
- A Meta-analysis of the Antecedents of Teacher Turnover and Retention
- Fit for Leadership: Sports coaching theory for team development
- Fight! How video games can power up learning now
- Workload and wellbeing the key to a sustainable English teacher workforce
- Would you like a career with that?
- What I Learned From Being An ABC Media Expert For Two Weeks
- How to avoid 'death by PowerPoint'
- What I learned from my first AARE Conference
- Women have finally achieved parity on VCE English reading lists, but there are fewer classics